ALERT for January 22, 2025: Evening activities will take place tonight - please park in Parking Lot C (NextGen Center) and enter through the student entrance. Thank you!

Who We Are

GT Church exists to reach people and grow together in Christ. If you take a look around, you’ll see that we are a diverse family and that’s the way we like it. Whether you are a college student or a grandparent, whether you dress in your Sunday best or wear your favorite pair of jeans, whether you’ve grown up in church or never stepped foot in one before, you are welcome here!

Our Mission:

GT Church exists to reach people and grow together in Christ

Our Values

Our mission states what we do, and our values determine how we do it.

  • We are not just churchgoers, we are Christ-followers.
  • We change our methods, but never the message.
  • We give God our best because He gave us His.
  • We exist for your purpose, not your preference.
  • We value people because people matter to God.
  • We take our mission seriously, but ourselves lightly.
  • We seek to be known by what we’re for, not what we’re against.

Who We Are

GT Church is over 90 years old, with a rich history and deep roots in our community. Our mission is to reach people and grow together in Christ.

We believe that growing in Christ happens best in relationships, so we help people get connected in small groups where they can experience biblical community.

We love families, and the same energy that goes into planning our weekend services for adults goes into planning services for our kids and students as well. They aren’t just the church of the future, they are part of the church right now!

GT also places a strong emphasis on missions, both local and global. We want all people to hear the good news of Jesus, both across the street and around the world.

We invite you to take some time to learn more about the story of GT Church by checking out our Growing Together booklet.

Growing Together

What We Believe

We believe the Bible is God’s Word. It is accurate, authoritative, and relevant to our everyday lives.

We believe in one Creator God who has revealed Himself in three Persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. We believe in the Lord Jesus Christ as both God and man and as the only one who can restore us into right standing with God.

Communion reminds us that Jesus lived a sinless life, died on the cross in our place, and rose again to prove His victory over death and to empower us for life. While sin has separated us from God, we can receive forgiveness when we repent of our sins and place our faith in Jesus Christ and surrender to His Lordship.

We believe in God’s power to heal still today, restoring us to live whole lives with purpose in advancing His Kingdom on earth. We believe in water baptism as a picture of our redemption in Christ and we also believe in the Baptism in the Holy Spirit, which empowers us for serving and reaching others. We believe God has given each of us gifts to use in worshipping God, equipping the Church, and sharing the Gospel with the world.

We believe the Lord Jesus Christ is coming back again as He promised to rule and reign on this earth. History will conclude as those who are far from God are judged and those who have put their faith in Jesus will spend eternity in His Presence.

16 Fundamental Truths of the Assemblies of God

GT Church is an Assemblies of God church.
To watch videos about the Fundamental Truths: click here.
To read about the Fundamental Truths: click here.